We are pleased to announce the following updates and improvements to our defitact service.
- Support for Lido (Liquidity Staking): You can now monitor your liquidity staking activities with Lido on defitact.
- Support for Dystopia/Sterling/SolidLizard: We have added support for Dystopia, Sterling, and SolidLizard, enabling you to track your transactions and activities related to these protocols.
- Borrowing Support for Venus: You can now visualize your borrowing activities on Venus using defitact.
- Expanded Token Support for Venus: We have expanded our token support on Venus, allowing for better visibility of your token transactions and holdings.
- Improved Support for Aave: We have made improvements to our compatibility with Aave, enhancing the tracking and visualization of your Aave transactions.
To try out these new features and improvements, please visit the service page here.